2023 – Now, Associate Professor, 3522vip浦京集团官网丘成桐中心及3522vip浦京集团官网;
2018 – 2022, Associate Professor, 3522vip浦京集团官网丘成桐中心及数学学院;
2018 – 2018, Visiting scholar, Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Harvard University;
2015 – 2018, Post-doctor, Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, 清华大学
2010 – 2015, Doctoral degree, 中国人民大学物理系
2006 – 2010, Bachelor's degree, 武汉大学3522vip浦京集团官网
My research field is to study quantum gravity through the holographic principle. This field lies at the intersection between many different aspects of theoretical physics, including quantum information, statistical physics, quantum field theory and gravity, and belongs to the large community of string theory. My collaborators and I have focused on the holographic theory of general space-times, we extended our understanding of the holographic principle beyond the AdS space-time, and discovered new holographic relation between entanglement and geometry, leading a new research direction. Another research direction of mine is the study of the partial entanglement entropy, which describes how much a subset of a region contributes to the entanglement entropy of that region. It has been applied to the study of both holography and condensed matter theory by several groups of researchers abroad. In the context of partial entanglement entropy, I defined the balanced partial entanglement entropy, which gives the entanglement wedge cross-section and generalizes the reflected entropy to generic purifications. I am also interested in the island formula, both from the holographic and quantum information perspective
See also: https://inspirehep.net/authors/1275750?ui-citation-summary=true
1. Partial entanglement entropy threads in island phase
Qiang Wen, Mingshuai Xu, Haocheng Zhong, Arxiv:2408.13535, 38 pages.
2. Entanglement islands and cutoff branes from path-integral optimization
Ashish Chandra, Zhengjiang Li, Qiang Wen, JHEP 07(2024) 069, 40 pages.
3. Partial entanglement network and bulk geometry reconstruction in AdS/CFT
Jiong Lin, Yizhou Lu and Qiang Wen, Arxiv: 2401.07471, 15 pages.
4. Cutoff brane vs the Karch-Randall brane: the fluctuating case
Jiong Lin, Yizhou Lu and Qiang Wen, JHEP 06(2024) 017, 44 pages.
5. Geometrizing the partial entanglement entropy: from PEE threads to bit threads
Jiong Lin, Yizhou Lu and Qiang Wen, JHEP 02(2024) 191, 29 pages.
6. Ownerless island and partial entanglement entropy in island phases
Debarshi Basu, Jiong Lin, Yizhou Lu and Qiang Wen, SciPost Physics 15 (2023) 54 pages.
7. Entanglement Islands from Hilbert Space Reduction
Debarshi Basu, Qiang Wen, Shangjie Zhou, Arxiv: 2211.17004, 29 pages.
8. Covariant entanglement wedge cross-section, balanced partial entanglement and gravitational anomalies
Qiang Wen, Haocheng Zhong, SciPost Physics 13 (2022) 3, 056 38 pages.
9. Balanced Partial Entanglement and Mixed State Correlations
Hugo Camargo, Pratik Nandy, Qiang Wen, Haocheng Zhong, Scipost Physics (2022), 34 pages.
10. Entanglement entropies from entanglement contour: higher dimensions
Muxin Han and Qiang Wen, Scipost Physics Core 5 (2022) 020, 34 pages.
11. First law and quantum correction for holographic entanglement contour
Muxin Han and Qiang Wen, Scipost Physics (2021), 22 pages.
12. Balanced Partial Entanglement and the Entanglement Wedge Cross Section
Qiang Wen, JHEP (2021), 30 pages.
13. Formulas for Partial Entanglement Entropy
Qiang Wen, Phys.Rev.Research. (2020), 10 pages.
14. Entanglement contour and modular flow from subset entanglement entropies
Qiang Wen, JHEP 05(2020)018, 22 pages.
15. Towards the generalized gravitational entropy for spacetimes with non-Lorentz invariant duals
Qiang Wen, JHEP1901 (2019) 220, 41 pages.
16. Fine structure in holographic entanglement and entanglement contour
Qiang Wen, Phys.Rev.D 98 (2018), 21 pages.
17. Entanglement Entropy in Flat Holography
Hongliang Jiang, Wei Song and Qiang Wen, JHEP 07(2017)142, 48 pages.
18. Modifications to Holographic Entanglement Entropy in Warped CFT
Wei Song, Qiang Wen and Jianfei Xu, JHEP 1702 (2017) 067, 39 pages.
19. Generalized Gravitational Entropy for Warped Anti-de Sitter Space
Wei Song, Qiang Wen and Jianfei Xu, Phys.Rev.Lett. 117 (2016), 6+3 pages.
20. The Non-integrable Mass and the Scalar Charge
Qiang Wen, arXiv:1501.02829, 11 pages.
21. Strategy to Construct Exact Solutions in Einstein-Scalar Gravities
Qiang Wen, Phys.Rev.D 92 (2015), 15 pages.
22. Thermodynamics of AdS Black Holes in Einstein-Scalar Gravity
Hong Lu, C. N. Pope and Qiang Wen, JHEP 1503 (2015) 165, 34 pages.
23. Scalar Hairy Black Holes in General Dimensions
Xing-Hui Feng, Hong Lu and Qiang Wen, Phys.Rev.D 89 (2014), 11 pages.
1. 周尚节(Zhou Shangjie):武汉大学Bachelor degree(2023),2022年南大学丘中心访问学生,现普渡大学博士研究生;
2. 徐明帅(Xu Mingshuai):浙江理工大学Bachelor degree(2022),2022至今丘中心及3522vip浦京集团官网硕士生;
3. 钟浩成(Zhong Haocheng) :山东大学曼彻斯特大学联合培养, 2017-2021,Bachelor degree; 3522vip浦京集团官网丘中心访问学生, 2021-2022; 爱丁堡大学硕士生,2022-2023;2024年起3522vip浦京集团官网丘中心及3522vip浦京集团官网博士研究生;
4. 李政江(Li Zhengjiang):中山大学珠海校区本科生,2024年起;新加坡国立大学博士生
Selected Seminars:
1. SIMIS Fudan,2024/05/20,“Partial entanglement network and geometry reconstruction in AdS/CFT”
2. IAS Tsinghua,2024/04/29,“Entanglement islands and cutoff brane from path-integral optimization”
3. ITP Chinese Academy of Science,2023/01/06,“Island phase as a property of quantum state and Hilbert space”
4. Peking University,2022/5/13,“Balanced partial entanglement and mixed state correlations”
5. Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Korea,2021/8/5,“Aspects on Partial Entanglement Entropy”
6. University of Science and Technology of China,2021/7/15,“Aspects on Partial Entanglement Entropy”
7. KITS(国科大卡夫里理论科学研究所),2020/12/22,“Partial entanglement, modular flow and the minimal cross section”
8. YMSC Tsinghua,2020/9/17,“Foundations on Partial entanglement entropy”
9. ITP Chinese Academy of Science,2019/3/20 and 4/3,“Aspects on entanglement contour 1,2: in quantum information theories and the holographic picture”
10. Renmin University, 2018/11/21,“Colloquium: An introduction for holographic entanglement”
11. Brandeis University, 2018/4/9,“Holography entanglement in 3d flat holography”
12. YMSC Tsinghua,2018/3/29,“AdS seminar: Fine structure in holographic entanglement”
13. IAS Tsinghua, 2018/3/23,“Holography entanglement for general spacetimes”
14. Harvard,Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications,2018/1/29,“Holography entanglement in general spacetimes”
15. Fudan University,2017/6/7 ,“Holography entanglement in flat holography”
16. ITP Chinese Academy of Science,2015/12/3,“Black hole complementarity and firewalls!”
Invited Talks at Conferences:
1. International Congress of Basic Science 2024,BIMSA, Plenary lecture,北京,2024年07月14-26;
2. 第五届全国“场论与弦论”学术研讨会,中国科学技术大学,大会报告,2024年06月23–28;
3. International Congress of Basic Science 2023,BIMSA, Plenary lecture,北京,2023年07月16-28;
4. Frontiers of Holographic Duality-4,Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow(线上),2022年12月12–16;
5. 第九届ICCM 45分钟邀请报告,南京市紫金山庄,2022年7月31日至8月5日;
6. 中国物理学会秋季会议,兰州大学(线上),2021年10月;
7. 引力、量子场论及其内在联系研讨会,天津大学,2021年7月3日-4日;
8. 第二届“弦论,场论及全息理论前沿暑期学校”,3522vip浦京集团官网丘成桐中心,2021年8月16日-21日,主要组织人;
9. “HoloChina 2021”,上海大学,2021年6月25日-27日;
10. 第一届全国“场论与弦论”学术研讨会,中国科学技术大学,2020年11月26日;
11. 第一届“弦论,场论及全息理论前沿暑期学校”,3522vip浦京集团官网丘成桐中心,2020年8月24日-29日,主要组织人并授课;
12. 清华大学,Tsinghua Summer Workshop in Geometry and Physics 2017, 2017年8月;